Instabug Crash and Bug Reporting App


by Instabug

In-App Conversations and Bug Reporting for Mobile Apps
Helps with: Crash and Bug Reporting
Similar to: Backtrace App BugClipper SDK App Crashlytics SDK App HelpStack App More...
Source Type: Closed
License Types:
Supported OS:
Languages: Java Objective C Swift

What is it all about?

Instabug SDK is a totally customizable SDK that's built by developers for developers and only takes 60 seconds to integrate. The SDK grabs a lot of useful details: Device model & iOS version, memory & storage details, carrier & WiFi, battery details, iPhone 6 screen zoom mode, app/build version, user location, and the app's logs. And most importantly, the detailed actions that the user did until the time of reporting the bug.

Key Features

* In-App Support Channel- Don't interrupt your users’ experience and make them quit your app to talk to you through emails or Twitter. With Instabug, everything is done directly from within your app with minimal effort for your users. * 80% Less Negative Reviews - App stores shouldn't be places where your users report bugs or send you feedback. You can easily divert those negative comments by using Instabug and let your users talk directly to you. * In-App Bug Reporter - With each bug report, we automatically capture a screenshot that your users can draw on. Also, your users can attach multiple screenshots or even record their feedback as a voice note. * 750% More Feedback from Your Beta Testers - User feedback is one of the most important resources any company can have. Make it easier for your beta testers to communicate with you and send you their thoughts on how to make your app better. * Live Conversation Inside Your App - There's a better way to provide exceptional support other than email. Use Instabug to start chatting with your users inside your app. Answer their questions, update them on new features and be closer to them! * Invite Your Support Team - Instabug is optimized to handle support teams that operate on users’ tickets effectively. Your support team is here to make your users happy and we’re here to help them do it in a faster and easier way. * World Class Crash Reporting - Whenever your app crashes, Instabug will report that to our backend. Crash reports are then server-side symbolized and similar crashes are grouped together.


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