What is it all about?
BypassCaptcha.com is dedicated for 24x7x365 professional captcha decoding since 2008. It is a captcha solving service that is always available on the go, just avail of their “key” and integrate their API in your web app.
Key Features
The API solves CAPTCHAs in less than ten seconds and is accurate "at least 95%" of the time. The service uses REST calls and through it users can, submit your CAPTCHA image, send correctness feedback so Bypass CAPTCHA can track accuracy and only charge for correct solutions, as well as check account information. By default, it will not decode captchas in Case-Sensitive way. But however, they support that. If you need that to be done, you need to contact and tell them your key and requirement, they will enable your key for that feature. And in future, if you still need that feature to be enabled, you may need to fill credits on your old key, instead of buying a new key.
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