Database Workbench Pro v. 5.7.0
by Upscene Productions
What is it all about?
Cross database engine developer IDE for PostgreSQL, InterBase, SQL Server, Firebird, MySQL, Oracle, NexusDB, MSDE including many tools like: Visual Object Editors, Schema Browser, Test Data Generator, SQL Insight, Cross Database Migrator and Compare, Object Templates, SQL Catalog, Stored Procedure Debugger, Two-way Visual Query Builder, Dependency Browsing, Data Export and Import Tools, Metadata Printing, Drag - Drop editing and much more.
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Key Features
* Database Design - Database Workbench comes with database specific and database agnostic visual design tools. With these tools, you can create a new database, even for multiple database systems from a single source, or generate a visual diagram from an existing database. Alternatively, you can design the database elsewhere and implement it using the visual editors or database script. * Implementation - With it's visual editors and visual management tools and SQL and Script tools, you can easily implement your database design. Via drag and drop editing, using SQL Insight, the Describe Companion and easy-to-use source code editors, you'll be able to do your work in an efficient manner. Viewing object dependencies is easy and can be done in any object editor, as well as the database navigator. * Testing and Debugging - A built-in Test Data Generator allows for volume testing. The SQL Editor comes with a visual query plan analysis tool, query statistics and visual query builder, as well as an execution timer. All the tools you need to profile your database queries. And even debugging a stored procedure, function, trigger or package is easy to do with the built in debugging tool. * Maintenance - There are several simple monitoring tools in Database Workbench, suitable for database administrators. And of course, you can always modify your existing database: the Database Compare tool can generate a change script, or you can use the Script Recorder to track your changes. You can extract scripts for existing objects, or simply copy the change script from each object editor.
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